Friday, 26 August 2011 LOVE ..!!!!

RESHMAN(my darling),,the first time I remember seeing him was when he was sitting in a bench before my bench in our class. He gave me a very unassuming look when I introduced myself to rest of the class ..(Oka chinese moham vadini chusinatlu).
        In those days there was quite a lot of  things going on in and around the campus between One Girl and a few students.I didnt even see that girl ..i had come to know only her name by just wat i heard.One evening when I started discussing about her ,my Roommet said that he knows her and she is the girl who comes frequently to a house infront of  our room.  He showed her to me the same day when we are going out for a movie.She is ANUSHA BODEPUDI(Let to know this she is my chwtt sis Later).
        I personally am a guy who watch movies by Imagining my felow beings around me as the charecters(artists) involved in  that...two among them are "SATISH"(Don) && "ANIL"(ghost rider).I challeged these two guys alltime that i will one day defintely scare them by building Muscles..but never happened ..ha ha ...!!
I LOVE YOU all wherever you are… and I will always love you.:):)

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NTR MARG && Theatres of KHAMMAM..!!!

If a Man is about what he is and not what he was then I would say my birth was at NTR MARG, place in Khammam. This is because if I take into consideration the kind of a person I am today, I can trace back every thought, every idea, every experience and every influence I have ever had in my life back to something which happened here..:):):)

                 The kind of people I met, I interacted in that place  had helped me in gaining an enormous insight into so many things including the various aspects of human minds.NTR MARG,is where I was taught  to respect, to fear, to understand and also to feel guilty.

Hoping that even a dog’s tail can be straightened there were countless times some lecturers  tried to educate me for ills of being a bad student...Ha ha ha... That’s because I hardly ever used to attend college and all the time I used to be in film theatres  like Vinodha,Thirumala,narthaki etc.

                 Since I lived in a same place at my hometown(from LKG to INTER), by being suddenly plunged into Khammam(NTR MARG) which was completely DIFFERENT to me in terms of both the PLACE and its PEOPLE, I experienced a very different and real world and hence I had the opportunity to learn about everything once again from its beginning in its true nature.:):):)

                I met one of  my Best PAL & my best Rommie,he is such a kind of guy I have ever come across till then called “SUNIL”  in NTR MARG  who initiated me for being Jovial like him :):)Rest of my buddies who were in NTRMARG are  Pradeep,Satya,ramesh,Naresh(Pichi) Reddy,bharath,venu,rajgopal reddy,ram mohan reddy etc.. 

Finally what i want  to get revealed here  is My Enormous Love for both NTR MARG && Theatres of KHAMMAM..!!!  :):):):):)
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Wednesday, 24 August 2011


In school, holiday’s were always special for me. I sooo looked forward to breaking for the weekend, or summers or Diwali etc. But there’s something super-special when a holiday comes your way unexpectedly…it’s delicious in its spontaniety…:):)Hence, I love to have a super-special holiday along with holidays:):)
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Monday, 22 August 2011

Y Rajashekar Maganti's BLOG ???

Two of the main reasons it took me so long to get on to the net are, firstly, that I am a complete net illiterate and secondly I never cared to. Not that there is a change now but I thought let me just try for once and so here I am:):):)
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I hope this works and I really want it to.

Hi..this is shekar with a mind thats hungry for knowledge and a spirit thirsting for experience ...!!!
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