Saturday, 5 November 2011

My coversation with a Passion chaser...

Most mortals live to earn a living, ignoring their passion and postponing what they love doing the most, only to end up leading a depressed life.

They do not understand that true 'passion chasers' cannot be bothered about conventional jobs or kids or loans. They just go for it!

Below is a conversation between one such mortal and her conscience.

Conscience (C): To begin with, are you clear about your passion?
Mortal (M): Yes.
C: Have you charted out a plan to realise it in terms of time, resources, support, knowledge, training and the kind?
M: Done. But time is running out. I just can’t crack it.
C: Passion and dilemmas do not go hand-in-hand, my dear.
M: But I have a 9-5 job?
C: Well, quit the damn job.
M: What about loans and lifestyle continuity for kids? 
C: Well, then gradually phase out the day job.
M: Sensible enough. Then what if the passion does not attract equivalent cash returns?
C: Hold on that day job until such a time.
M: And what if such a time doesn't come and the stress tears the family fabric?
C: Then what you call passion is not exactly a passion with you.
M: But I cannot see loved ones suffer.
C: What comes first: family or passion?
M: Both.
C: Then shut your thoughts and slog it out. Hardwork will bear fruit. No quickfix, neither in virtual nor practical world.
M: How long will it take?
C: Until you've mastered your talent.
M: But we are talking of passion?
C: Talent sharpened is passion. It’s when you work on your talent over years imbibing all the varied experiences that you realise the so-called passion.
M: But some people live their passion early in life.
C: They are the ones who followed their heart at the first given opportunity, who never compromised their heart's desire in the name of commitment and social obligations.
M: Doing this is not a crime. We are just being morally and ethically correct and fulfilling our duties to the varied souls that helped us in our survival in this world.
C: So be it. If you are so clear about your actions why crib about passion fulfillment being delayed?
M: Just that desperation is slowly turning into depression.
C: Then the time is ripe to take action. If possible devote all energy and time to sharpen your talent. Else keep aside (strictly) mandatory hours and energy each day to listen to the call within.
M: Will it work?
C: Self-doubt and fear are not hallmarks of a passion chaser. Definitely not for beginners. Sit up and face it! From the moment you decide on it, believe me, your legacy has begun to be written!
Go for it!

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Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A Dream Machine:):)

I was reading the article “The richest MP in India” in the latest updates of Gulte.

Someone gently tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up and there was God smiling at me.

“Don’t smile like that, God” I said. “I am really worried. At the current rate of inflation, how do I manage  myself in my sunset years?”

God smiled again. “Son, wealth is your creation and not mine”. 

“Unfair God, Creation’s creation is also the responsibility of the Creator”, I said.

God appeared pleased with my answer.

“Ok son, I shall grant you a wish. You can go back in time and buy anything that you want using your today’s money of Rs. 1 lakh.  You can bring back your goods and make your life comfortable. But please don’t ask me questions on Capital gains; I am not an expert on that.”

“Great,” said I excitedly.

“But listen to my conditions related to the wish,” said God.

“You are not allowed to Google or telephone any wealth managers; you just have time to go your bank and get your money. The Time Machine will be waiting for you there.  You can spend only four hours in the past world. Ok.”

“Best of luck” said God and disappeared.

I rushed to Bank of Baroda and withdrew cash.

“Go to world of 1978” I told the TM and I was looking for my seat belt. A voice said “Don’t worry, it will take only a few seconds for us to reach our destination. Please remember that you will have to be back by 4 hrs ”.

 I always pride myself that I am a clear thinker.  I was sure of my purchase list – a house or Shares or  Gold or a mix of these three.

I kick started my Scooter and headed straight .. To my good luck I found a man - the house broker of those times  Mr.Dallas Nageswara Rao, sitting in the office room and reading a Telugu newspaper.

“Namaskaram” greeted Nageswara Rao.

“Fine Rao garu, I need you urgent help now; come let us go to Anandh vihar hotel and talk about it”

Each of us  ordered two idlies, one vada  and a cup of filter coffee. The total bill came up to just Rs 5 and I enjoyed the first benefit of the wish and I felt confident that things were moving in the right direction.

“I want a nice house for about Rs 50,000/- and preferably in JubileeHills,hyderabad”

“Done” said Dallas Nageswar Rao.

“I have got two nice houses  and I know the owners very well. But my commission will be Rs 1000/-.”

After half an hour of discussions with the owner, I clinched the deal at Rs 45,000 + Rs 1000 commission.  I felt good.

“We can enter into an agreement now and finish the registration by next week” said the owner and I felt shattered - I knew that I did not have the time for completing my transaction.

I said “Sorry” to both and rushed to my next destination - M/s GMC & Co, opposite behind Pevilion grounds.  I was sure that I could complete my transactions and send the shares for transfer with my new address.

“Hello” said Mr.Chicago Subbarao, “What can I do for you?”.

``Do you have ready to deliver shares of Infosys, Reliance”

“I have never heard of the first name that you mentioned, but yes I have six hundred shares of Reliance industries and today’s price is  Rs 120/- per share.”

“I will take them all and can I pay you by cash?”  I asked

Suddenly I realized that I had to fix share transfer stamps on the form before I could send it for transfer.

“Do you have Rs 200/- worth stamps?” I asked Mr.Chicago SubbaRao

“I do not have it right now, but I can get it for you by tomorrow”, he said

“Oh, no, not again” I muttered to myself. 

“I will come back Mr. Subbarao, thank you so much” and I rushed out.

Time was running out and I was losing my earlier confidence and getting into a  panic situation.

“Take a deep breath and say – I am good” - I remembered the way how to get out of a tense situation.  It really worked for me.

Suddenly, I felt happy and excited. I told myself  “gold is always  an uncomplicated option of all times”.

I drove my Byke towards Commercial street, with a song on my lips.

I parked my Byke in front of a reputed jeweler shop and went in.

“I want thick gold chains, worth its value” I told the shop keeper and soon decided on the items worth Rs 98,000/-.

“I will pay by cash” I told the shop keeper and he said “Of course you can”

I produced the crisp thousand rupee bank notes from my valet and gave it to the shop keeper.

He looked at them and said “Sir, Please sit down and I will make the bill”

But within minutes he approached me along with a police inspector and complained  “This man is a cheat. He has given me fake 1000/- notes”.

The inspector with his vast experience could sense that I was not a cheat.

He politely  asked me – “Don’t you know that 1000/- notes have been demonitized by  Madam Indira Gandhi three years ago? From where did you get these notes?”

From “Bank of Baroda” I blurted.

“I have never heard the name before. Are you ok Mr.? Where do you work?” asked the inspector

“I am a cheif project coordinator ” 

“Sir, your are under arrest”, the inspector warned me.

I knew that I had made two crucial mistakes and started escaping from there by pushing police away.

I collected my money and started my scooter to go back , but it would not start, as the petrol tank was empty.

I started running like as if my death was chasing me followed by police siren..

 I woke up suddenly , I found that was my mobile  ringing beside me and realized that was a Dream ;););)

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